[Area] ***SPAM*** Re: have you heard something about that?

cecilia valbonesi cecilia.valbonesi a libero.it
Lun 1 Maggio 2017 05:58:27 CEST

Hey friend, 

Take a look at  that  information  please, it  seems to be very useful. Have you already heard something about that? Just check it out http://seaadsa.circlemotel.net

Typos courtesy of my iPhone, cecilia valbonesi

From: area aperta [mailto:area a areaperta.it]
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2017 11:58 PM
To: cecilia.valbonesi a libero.it
Subject: Can i come?

That'd be pretty annoying -  it'd  suck  if I  wanted to play an ID for the ability but the ID is bad because of stuff like  that.  I hope there's  no  link punishment for basically that  reason. If the  IDs were so  good that  FFG  needed to print stuff like  that, yeah, just  print IDs  which  are equally as good.

Andy's balanced,  good, but balanced. I really don't think she  needs punishment or something. She's fun  to play, isn't overpowered, and rewards high skill - what's not to  like?

I don't see what the problem is  with people running Kate and Andy... it's not exactly the entire field and they're not  overpowered.

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