[Area] ***SPAM*** Re: extremely good stuff

giovanni giorgio giorgiopm a libero.it
Ven 5 Maggio 2017 10:59:58 CEST


I guess  that stuff  is extremely good, it's just so amazing, come on,  take a look http://aazq.sellhop.com

Very truly yours, giovanni giorgio

From: area [mailto:area a areaperta.it]
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2017 4:59 AM
To: giorgiopm a libero.it
Subject: I inboxed you

The unfortunate truth  about education  is that what you learn is pretty irrelevant. It's  a rubber stamp. Want  a job  anywhere in the  legal  field? Better have  a relevant  BA  if you have no experience  (or even if you  do).

In technical  fields which are I would say the most 'merit-based', a non-technical or no degree at all is a pretty serious handicap, even if you  have  all  sorts of technical ability that  is self-taught or  learned  on the job.

In  other fields  yet who you know is perhaps the only thing  that  matters.

And unfortunately that's  why sometimes the naturally smart  but  uneducated will scrub windows while  the  stupid but wealthy/connected are successful. Or to  put it another way: Life's not  fair.

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