[Area] The limits to the freedom of economic initiative in EU: between (absence of) commercial planning and protection of historic Town centers. VII Euro Regione North Adriatic International Colloquium. Trieste, 19 marzo 2021. Report. di Bernardo A. Masso

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Gio 10 Giu 2021 08:15:11 CEST

The limits to the freedom of economic initiative in EU: between (absence 
of) commercial planning and protection of historic Town centers. VII 
Euro Regione North Adriatic International Colloquium. Trieste, 19 marzo 
2021. Report.
_di Bernardo A. Masso_

The logic of the free economic initiative and competition, principles on 
which the European Union was founded and still followed by the European 
legislation, evokes the dire necessity of a thorough discussion on how 
the aforementioned principles should be balanced with the protection of 
cultural heritage, landscape and historic urban centers. On the issue 
inferred from this possible friction, the conference, formally hosted by 
the University of Trieste, held in form of a webinar on the 19th March 
2021 - under the supervision of the members of the scientific committee: 
Prof. Andrea Crismani, Prof. Dario Đerđa, Prof. Marcello M. Fracanzani 
and Prof. Erik Kerševan - tried answering by collecting, in a certainly 
worthwhile debate, the different experiences of the administrative legal 
systems of the northern Adriatic region. In fact each of them presents 
the mutual need to weigh sheer economic interests and historical, 
cultural and artistic legacy conservation.

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